I've forgotten my Nova Hub password

  1. If you've already registered your email address, you can reset your password using the Forgotten Password. 
  2. Check your email and enter the 6-digit verification code. 
  3. Sometimes verification emails can end up in Spam or Junk folders, so check those folders too.
  4. Create your new password. 
  5. If you haven’t received this email within 30 minutes call us on 07 306 2700 (or 0800 668 236) or email us.

A password must contain:

  • Upper case letter
  • Lower case letter
  • Special character (i.e.$, #, @, !, ?)
  • Both passwords should match

NOTE: Please enter your verification code carefully. After 5 attempts, there will be a 15 minute wait before you're able to attempt access into the Nova Hub again.

Forgotten Password Nova Hub